Conquering the Curves

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

How often have you set out with a goal in mind, a destination, if you will, and things just didn’t work out as planned? Maybe it’s a big goal such as becoming a published author. Maybe it’s just a nice drive not far from home. We had that happen to us today. 

When we left our home, we had planned on a leisurely day of driving through the countryside to take photos of churches, old barns, and anything that caught our attention.

I still don’t know my way around our area so J drives everywhere we go. He likes to joke and tell everyone he’s driving Miss Debbie. Well, he is, for sure.

He asked what I had in mind and he made some suggestions. I just answered with that sounds fine, where ever you think as I don’t know one direction from another. So off we went.

Stuck in the PNF 
Now, J is very good about getting us from point A to point B. But the route he took today wasn’t really on backwoods country roads which is what I had in mind. Rather, we headed toward Brevard and roads that were mostly within the Pisgah National Forest. All well and good, but one simply does not find old country churches within the confines of the PNF. 

We decided to turn around, an idea that was soon followed by another driver, a young mother with her small son. She tried to turn around in a place really not meant for such. Her car became stuck, the front wheels sitting on soft dirt on the shoulder, the chassis of her car on the soft ground and edge of the road, and her rear wheels . . . in the air

After half an hour spent flagging down oncoming traffic warning them of the situation ahead, and many of those travelers stopping to help, the young lady was soon on the road. Clearly, this was an unexpected curve in the road for J and me—and for the woman. 

God Knew 
Now, nothing about that was normal. Nothing about that was in our plans. But God knew. He had us right where He wanted us, where we needed to be in order to help this young lady in her time of need. 

We make these plans, we do our best to carry them out, to see them through, but then along comes a crook in our path, an unexpected curve. It begins to wind, seemingly with no end to the twists and turns. But friends—God knows the plans He has for us! I believe that it is in these curves that we learn the most. And certainly, this is where we learn to lean on God. Jeremiah 29:11. I know I quote that a lot, but I love that verse. Things work out. Proverbs 3:6 proclaims this—In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Trust God. Take your situation to Him and He will go before you and prepare the way.

I’m grateful that God placed us in this lady’s path. I may not have gotten the desired photos, but I believe that J and I were right where God wanted us to be today. Today, we got to be His helping hands. Plans worked out just the way God ordered. They ended well. The young lady drove off to her destination and J and I drove to a lovely spot for a quiet, peaceful picnic lunch, followed by a beautiful drive back home. 

If you find yourself in an unexpected place, maybe one that isn’t to your liking, my best advice is to dig in and make the most of it because you are right where you are supposed to be. Trust God. He has you in the palm of His hand. Bloom where you are planted.That’s what we did today. 

And those old barns and country churches? I would imagine they’ll still be standing the next time we venture forth.

Has your path been riddled with unexpected curves? How did you react to that? Did you despair or did you bloom? Share your journey with us. 


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