A Moving Experience

by Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
Well, we made the move from Florida to North Carolina without incidence. A very good thing. We are very tired. It’s a long trip for anyone, but when one gets to a certain age, those long trips become more and more difficult to manage.

Sciatica is my biggest culprit. It causes us to have to stop every couple of hours, to get out, and walk around for a few minutes. I guess it could be worse.
 Unpacking-Head in a Box

We’ve spent the past week unpacking boxes and finding a place for all the things we brought from Florida. Yes, we had two homes, but we didn’t bring everything from Florida. Our furniture will be either sold with our home or sold separately should the buyers not want it.

My biggest frustration has been in what to get rid of and what to keep. It’s hard. Amazing how attached we get to things. Do we keep those glasses or these? Do we need all of them? Can we get rid of some and still have enough for when the entire family gathers? What about those dishes. Do you like these or those better? And do you prefer this pan for frying eggs or that one. Just little things, but they all add up to a headache.
Staying Healthy

Today, I spent the morning making doctor appointments and changing from one primary to another, from one state to another. Insurance and all that kind of thing had to be changed as well. I told my husband as I was handing this (with his help, let me add—I could not do this without him as he’s the detail man—if you only knew), it’s funny how when we were younger and of much more flexible minds, things were far more simple than they are now that we are seniors. IMHO, there is something wrong with that. At least they no longer use our social security number on our Medicare Cards.

If we ever get everything in its proper place, figure out what all to keep and what all to let go of, then we can start in on cleaning on this place. I’m very thankful to have only one home for which to care, to keep clean, to have all my books and things right here where I can get to them. Isn’t that what we should be doing in our lives daily? Cleaning out the useless, old, worn out, nasty parts to make more room for Jesus to dwell within us? God, give me the strength and wisdom to do that every day.
Paying It Forward

As I write this, my hubby has just returned from our HOA offices where he took our used boxes for the use of folks in our neighborhood. Someone was there gathering them for his move as J was leaving them. Nice how that works. And I’m sure that someone will be blessed by all the myriad of things, from shoes to glassware, that J is now taking to the local charity. Out with the old, in with more room for Jesus—and being a blessing to someone else in the process. I rather like that. So, until next week—be blessed

Have you moved in the past few years? Did you downsize? How did you cope with things? Share your experiences with us.

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