A Day Late, A Dollar Short, and Two Hours Behind

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

If you’re like me, you’re still trying to play catch-up from Christmas, maybe even Thanksgiving. I have to wonder where the time went. Here we are, already smack-dab in the middle of January. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m just now feeling ready for Thanksgiving.

Christmas got here so quickly this year that I missed almost all of the Hallmark movies. Bummer. Christmas came and went without much in the way of decorations or even a lot of thought put into gift-giving.

I’m not sure what that says about me. Never have I felt so much like the proverbial little hamster in a wheel. Were it not for my Soul Care group, I don’t know what I’d do. We have downloadable coloring pages to do every week which help to remind us to rest, take care of ourselves, and spend time with God. Should you need such a group, check out Soulful Ink on Facebook. I know you will be blessed by it. But confession—I’m still trying to get my coloring pages done from back in November. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Soulful.Ink 

Queen of Excuses 
I try my best not to make excuses. That seems the easy way out, but more and more I find myself doing just that. This time it’s— we went to Florida for the winter. We had to leave early to avoid the big snow storm. My sister is ill. . . again. I’m having to ready our Florida home for selling. I have to pack. My son is moving away. I have to help him pack. I have writing to do, a blog to get out. Oh . . . my critique group is meeting this week. I’m old . . . I forgot. 

See what I mean? I’m the queen of excuses. 

God is in Control 
In the midst of all of these things, I need to remember that there is a place of calm, of rest, of blessed assurance that all these things will get done. In good time. When we take time to remember that God is in control, then we can relax about all those things which are tugging on our time.

We have to take one day at a time, prioritize, do what we can, and trust God with the rest. Get up the next morning, and the one after that, and repeat until all the necessary things have been accomplished. Eventually, we will catch up, and we will be closer to God, our Father, for having taken the time to be with Him in His word. What could be better than that? 

How about you? Do you feel like you’re playing catch-up at times? How do you handle it? Share with us if you will.


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