A Big Decision

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
When my husband and I lived in Birmingham, Alabama, we had the honor and privilege of singing in one of the best church choirs around. You’ve read about it if you’ve followed my blog for a while. Independent Presbyterian Church has always had an extraordinary music program. It does to this day.
Peace and Grace

One of the anthems we sang at Christmas was E’en So, Lord Jesus. The words are paraphrased, taken from scripture. They implore Jesus to come quickly, as they pray for peace and grace to all mankind.

I’ve thought about this anthem a lot in the past couple of days in light of my beliefs. I will not compromise my religious beliefs for anything. I am a follower of Jesus. I try to live my life as I feel He wants me to live it . . . as one who shows His love in all that I say and do.
God is Love

I believe that above all other things, that God is love, I John 4:8. The Bible is very clear about that. Love for us is what caused Him to send His son Yeshua to die for us. Love is what caused him to create each and everyone of us. Indeed, Jeremiah 1:5 says that before He formed us in our mother’s womb, God knew us. And in knowing us, He loved us. That’s profound to me.

Think about that, every single person who has ever existed, was first a thought in God’s mind. And yet, so many have made the decision to ignore that this is a human being whom God knew, whom He created, before our own mothers even realized they were with child.
Time to Decide

Another anthem we sang was Once to Every Man and Nation. To paraphrase, it tells us that to every nation on earth, down to every person living in that nation, one day we will have to make a choice between good and evil. In one moment, you are going to have to decide.

Which side will you choose—that of evil or that of good? This is one choice that needs to be made carefully, prayerfully, as if your very life depends on it . . . because it does.


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