Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?

How are you doing with reading the gospel of Luke by Christmas Day? I will admit, I’ve fallen behind a bit. Medical appointments including testing and things that take a while, interrupted my reading this week. By evening, I will have caught up.

I don’t know how your December is going, but I seem to be lagging in many things this year. Apparently, I’m not the only one. Some friends say they got their Christmas décor put up before Thanksgiving while others, like me, are still trying to pull it all together. There was a day or two where my husband and I sat with our tree up, but nary an ornament on it, and almost decided not to put on any. After all, it’s pre-lighted, and Jesus is the Light of the World. Does He really care whether we put ornaments on it or not?

Not very likely. Now, I don’t mean to sound preachy or judgmental. My words are always just my humble opinions. You may feel differently. I do agree, the decorations put us in a festive mood. But our reasons should focus on . . .



The main thing for all of us this season is to celebrate the birth of Christ, the One whose sole purpose in coming to earth in human form was to die for the sins of the world. That’s me, that’s you, that’s everyone in the entire world. It breaks my heart that so many do not realize the sacrifice He made for us.

Why Do We Celebrate Christmas? @DDuPreeWilliams #Christmas #Jesus #Writing Share on X

In a choice between eternity in a pit of fire or an eternity with the One who loved me so much, he died an agonizing death to save me, I’ll choose Jesus. Every. Single. Time.

If you’ve entered this Christmas season without knowing why we celebrate, I can tell you, it isn’t just to get a bunch of gifts that no one can afford these days, anyway. It isn’t to put on social media the great gifts you got, or to show off your beautiful table setting, or your perfect, grand tree.

None of those things has anything to do with why we celebrate.


As you read Luke, you will discover the real reason we celebrate. You will follow the life of Jesus from birth to His baptism by John the Baptist, to His trial, to His death upon the cross, to his burial, to His resurrection, to His ascension. In between you will see His great and mighty works and words. You will see Him mocked, spat upon, beaten so badly He was unrecognizable, and you will follow Him to the Garden where He prayed, Not my will but Thine be done. When you’ve finished, you will know exactly why we celebrate His birth.

This Christmas, put Christ above all else. Before the tree, the lights, the gifts, the meal … before everything. He put you first when He died for you.

Blessings, y’all!


I couldn’t resist placing such a beloved Christmas song here. I thought you would also appreciate these young men rather than yet another soprano.  These boys are so cute, and they seem to believe what they are singing. I pray this blesses you.




    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Thank you so much for encouraging us to read Luke. I am almost caught up and I’m seeing things that I never noticed before. I loved reading that Jesus prayed “all night” before He chose His disciples. What an example for us! Then I was thinking… could I pray all night? I figured I would probably fall asleep pretty soon after I started, but I’m debating giving it a try at some point:)

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Jane, I hope you’re able to do this. It wasn’t my idea, but I’m happy to share it. A very good one! Blessings!

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