My Hometown – The Place To Be For Christmas Fun!

I think all of us are proud of our hometowns. Like many of you, I was born in one town and moved to another when Daddy’s job changed. I still have relatives in both places. The town I remember, the one in which I have the fondest memories of my childhood and youth, is Andalusia, Alabama.
To say I was blessed to have such a wonderful place in which to grow to adulthood is an understatement. The people who surrounded me were simply the best. I had such wonderful teachers and the best friends. In fact, my best friend and I still keep in touch. We may not see one another often, but when we do, it’s as if we’d just left for a moment or two. Dianne, I love you, girl.
I participated in all things music related. I was in plays in grammar school, almost always singing in the chorus. I was in a few groups once I got to high school, mixed chorus, girls’ glee club, A Capella Choir, and more ensembles than I can recall. I even portrayed the mother in Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors my senior year. Friendships were formed during my time in these groups. Some I likely wouldn’t have had, had it not been for music.
Church is what we did for entertainment. It was our social life. It’s where we went to hang out with our friends while we learned about what it means to be a Christian.And again, there was always music.
We had homecoming parades, and Christmas parades. We worked on floats, competing with other classes for top prize. Once we left and went our separate ways, we came home for reunions. We wept together for those who were no longer with us, and we rejoiced over the births of new children, or grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren.
Andalusia was a wonderful place in which to have grown up.
That’s one reason I chose it as the model for the setting of my fictional town of Loblolly in my upcoming book, Grave Consequences. Please note here that none of the people in my books are real. They aren’t based on anyone I knew or know. They are figments of my overactive imagination.
Southern Living
But Andalusia, Alabama is very real. Did you know that it was named the most festive town in the state of Alabama in 2018? It has been featured in Southern Living Magazine for the way it brings Christmas to the heart of Alabama. Seriously, you do not want to miss out on all the fun this little town has to offer.
They have snow, y’all. That’s right. It snows in the middle of town, right in the heart of Candyland Village which is filled with the cutest little cottages, each decked out to the nines by local businesses or community organizations. There is shopping, of course, but there are train rides, a festive light show, an ice-skating rink, The Polar Bear Tubing Hill, and at the end of the day, each Friday night they feature family-friendly Christmas movies. All of this in the month of December, every year.
The Icing on the Cake
And on the edge of town is Dean’s Cakes which has also been featured in Southern Living Magazine. Don’t forget to pop in there and pick up the perfect dessert for someone special. Hint-the red velvet is to die for! Add all these things to the friendliest people you will ever meet and you have a winner.
Andalusia is located just a few miles from the Alabama/Florida border in south Alabama. If you’re anywhere near, you do not want to miss out on the fun. Oh, did I mention that most of the events are free? The things for which you have to pay range from one to five dollars. Now I know you want to go.
I haven’t lived in Andalusia since I graduated high school and went away to college. But you can see why I chose this lovely town and her wonderful, friendly people to be the model for Loblolly.
From my hometown, Andalusia, Alabama, I wish you a Merry Christmas.
What are your favorite places to visit for Christmas cheer? Have you ever taken part in the merriment in Andalusia?
My Hometown - The Place to be For Christmas Fun @DDuPreeWilliams #writing, Christmas Share on X
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