A Crow, a Divot, and a Lesson

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
The crow on the left, lifting the divot.

By now you know that we live on a golf course. No, it isn’t because we’re avid golfers. I’m more of a hack than I ever was a golfer. My husband isn’t too bad, though he tells me he isn’t very good, either. Believe me, he can get the ball into the air which is a lot more than I can say about my abilities. And, he’s a decent golfer. He’s a born athlete. Baseball and basketball were his games. The first time I saw him in any sport was in an intramural basketball game at Samford University in Birmingham, way back when we first met. He was good, y’all! And I hate basketball. Sorry. Just being honest here.


Through many of the twists and turns of our lives, especially in the past ten years, we found ourselves the owners of a villa here on a fairway in Western North Carolina. The draw for us is that the HOA takes care of all the exterior needs, from new roofs, to new siding, paint, and even lawn and yard care. Hubby has never been much of one for yard care. And I can’t do it anymore on all these hillsides. Yes, age has caught up with both of us.
Resident Crows
This morning I was having a phone call with a beloved cousin when our resident crows soared in on wide, black wings for their morning visit. I love watching them. It seems that one is the lookout, there to call danger to the others if needed, as his fellow murder-mates go about the business of searching for food.
One of the odd behaviors, which illustrates just how smart these birds are, is they actually seek out the divots, lift them with their beaks, and pluck bugs or worms from beneath. Now, I don’t know about you, but if I’d been out there looking for worms, it would have never occurred to me to lift a divot. But the crows knew.
All Our Needs
This made me wonder how often we’ve been like that. We know God provides for all our needs, both physical and spiritual. I don’t doubt that God brought us to this place. It was a God-incidence, my word for coincidence, that we even knew of its existence. We’d looked for homes in our area for over a year and we’d just about given up hope of finding one that met all our requirements—translated, needs. One day, I stumbled upon an ad for this home.
When we first moved in, I had no idea that a writing critique group was just a short drive away. Not just any writing group, but one to which many of my friends belonged. One in which a teacher/mentor of mine was a member. Since joining that group, I’ve made even more dear friends and my writing has greatly improved. 
Spiritual Lessons
And there are my crows, as I call them. They may not know they are teaching spiritual lessons, but God knows and He has revealed His truths to me through them. There is always someone (Holy Spirit) on guard, watching out for me. If I look in the right places, lift that divot, (open my Bible and listen for His still, small voice) I will find words and lessons to sustain me throughout my day and my life.


Some of life’s biggest blessings/lessons come from unexpected places. Who knew that my crows would prove to be one?
Where have you encountered unexpected blessings? Join the conversation


A Crow, A Divot, and a Lesson @DDuPreeWilliams #writing #faith Share on X




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