Reading The Bible 2024

It just occurred to me that I’ve been writing this blog since 2014. That’s ten years. If I’d written one post per week for that duration, I would have written 520 posts. I took about four months off in 2020, and I’ve missed one or two here or there, but I’ve still composed around 500 posts in those ten years.

Now, I’m not crazy enough to think they were all profound. I’ve never been one to write like several of my friends who are such deep thinkers, I often find myself pondering what they may have meant by those words.

I’m a simple gal who writes from her heart, not some deep hidden place inside me, the likes of David’s Psalms. I’m emotionally, not intellectually, driven. Those friends mentioned above never cease to amaze me with their words.

I know the source of those words is always God through the Holy Spirit. Honestly, I don’t know how a mere mortal could compose such words. They must be Divinely inspired.


Right now, my husband and I have begun our fifth read-through of our Bibles. It doesn’t seem possible, but this began in 2020. We use Tara-Leigh Cobble’s Bible Recap and we read her chronological plan. It begins with Genesis, but quickly moves to read the entire book of Job before it moves back to Genesis and then on through the Pentateuch, to the rest of the entire Bible.

Every day after our daily reading, I turn to my husband and remark that the words are so poetic, so remarkable, I ponder how anyone could have written them. Then I remembered that the Holy Spirit was alive and well back in those days, too. Still, it’s mindboggling how it all flows together into one story that is so profound that the entire world has been affected by it. Believers and unbelievers alike.


If you’ve never read your Bible all the way through, let me urge you to join us. It won’t take you long to catch up. Or just jump in with today’s reading and read the previous days at night before bed, or when you have a spare fifteen or twenty minutes.

It doesn’t take long. Go to

There you will find all manner of instructions and the downloadable daily guide to the reading for each day. If you go to YouTube, you will find Tara-Leigh explaining what you read that day along with what she calls the GodShot, or the one thing that stood out the most in that day’s reading.

Reading the Bible - 2024 @DDuPreeWilliams #BibleRecap #YouVersion #ChronologicalBiblePlan Share on X

You will not believe how much you will learn or how many times you will find yourself saying, I didn’t know that. You will see God’s character revealed to you bit by bit, and when you get to the last words in the Book of the Revelation, you will see how it all fits seamlessly together. And how we become believers. How we know we can put our faith and trust in our loving Father God. I call Him Abba.


We do our readings on the YouVersion Bible app on our phones. I put in my earbuds and listen to David Heath as he reads the ESV version of the Bible. I like his voice so much. Then we watch Taara-Leigh give her remarks on YouTube. Afterwards, we make notes in our Bibles.

I use the Crossway Bible, ESV  with a single column with wide margins for making notes. Each of our sons will receive one of these Bibles one of these days. What a great legacy to leave behind. Not just God’s Word, but your heart with the personal messages written with that child in mind.

Happy Reading and . . .

Blessings, y’all!


This is so fitting for reading your Bible, starting with God’s creation of the world and all within it, including you. We’ve sung this many times and it never fails to give me chills and bring tears to my eyes. Listen a time or two, then go back and sing it with them if you’ve never sung this. It feels as though we’re on our faces before the throne of Almighty God. Blessings to you.


    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    I love that you are making notes to each of your sons in Bibles especially for them. That is the best legacy of all!:)

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for all of your posts and your faithfulness to do what God wants. I appreciate you!

  3. Tim Richards says:

    Great post, Debbie. I love reading your thoughts. Congrats on beginning another read through the Bible and prayers your sons will someday cherish your notes in their Bibles.

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