Standing on the Promises

Did you see the movie, Overcomer? If you didn’t see it, these days of staying in, (even though restrictions have lifted a bit in some places) are perfect for watching those movies you wanted to see but didn’t have the time. Overcomer has a great storyline. Let me warn you, have the tissues nearby. I made the mistake of going into the theater without the first tissue in my purse. I normally carry an entire pack. Not this day. Hubby offered to go get me a tissue from the bathroom, but the movie was too good to get up and leave, even for such a brief time.

Forgive me for not remembering the name of the lead character, the young lady. In it, she’s given verses in the Bible to refer to. Verses that tell her who GOD says she is. Not who the world tells her she is. If you’ve never read the book of Ephesians, written by Paul, let me urge you to do that right now. It is full of wisdom and so much promise, as are all the epistles of Paul. Ephesians begins by telling you what all you have received from God through Christ by means of redemption through the sacrifice Christ made for us at Calvary.


The book of Ephesians ends with chapter six exhorting us to put on the Armor of God. He warns us that our battles aren’t going to be physical, but against the schemes of the devil (Eph. 6:10-17).  Powerful words. Our weapons against the powers of darkness.

Friends, I’m not telling you we’re living in the final days. Even Jesus said he didn’t know when the end would come. Only the Father knows that. But every day, it certainly feels as if we’re getting closer and closer to that time.


Question: What if the end came tonight? If Jesus returned? In the next moment?

Do you know where you’ll be spending eternity?

John 3:16, that verse everyone should know and cling to says—For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (NASB)

Let me urge you to take a stand against the powers of darkness. Stand on the side of good versus evil. Make the decision for Christ today, this minute.


Pray this simple prayer if you never have. If you feel you need to pray it again, for peace of mind or comfort, then pray it again. There’s no harm done by praying it again. Personally, I pray it every single time someone says, pray this with me.

Father God, I believe that Jesus is your Son. I believe that He came to earth by Virgin birth, that He died for my sins. I believe that He rose from the dead and that He lives. I confess that I am a sinner and I thank you, Father, for the gift of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I ask you to forgive me. I give my life to you. I ask You to come and make my heart Your home. I want to live with You eternally. Thank You, Father God. Thank you, Jesus. Yeshua. Messiah.  Amen.

If you prayed that prayer for the first time, contact me so that I may pray with you, and for you, and your walk as a new creation in Christ. I rejoice with you. Thanks be to God!

Standing on the Promises, #writing #faith Share on X



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