Thoughts About The End Times
I love our Sunday School class. Every week we learn something new. Ed, our teacher, gives us a different way to think about Biblical things—all using the Bible to explain the Bible.
Right now, we continue with discussing those things that will lead up to the Second Coming of Christ. The End Times. Many of the things I thought aren’t in the order in which the Scriptures say they will happen.
I always thought the second coming would occur at the Rapture of the church. Refer to the chart I included in a graphic from this post. The church will be taken up (the Rapture), then, there will be seven years of Tribulation, then, Christ will come back to reign over the Millennial Kingdom.
If you don’t want to be around for the Tribulation, the only way to get out of that is to become a believer. The Bible tells us If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9 ESV). If you aren’t sure that you have or can do this, then get into God’s Word, your Bible. Begin with the Gospel of John, then read Paul’s letter to the Romans. These two books are the foundation of what it means to follow Christ. But
But don’t stop there. Read the entire New Testament. Follow your study guide and go find those passages in the Old Testament which prophesies many things in the New Testament. Don’t find it surprising to know that Jesus is on every page of the Old Testament. He often appears as a pre-incarnate Christ in what is a Christophany.
Thoughts About The End Times @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #SecondComingofChrist #EndTimes Share on XAVOID FALLING FOR THE ANTICHRIST
Here is something else for you to think about. Now, remember, I am no Bible scholar. I believe our teacher is grounded in the things he shares with us. You may have a different idea of some of these things. Feel free to share that in the comments section. He talked about the Mark of the Beast. We’ve been told all our lives that we must refuse this, even if refusal means certain death. I’ve never thought of it this way, but Ed feels it won’t be a physical mark, but it will be about allegiance. Will you align with the Antichrist, or will you remain faithful to Christ? If you don’t know the difference, you may easily be misled.
The Bible tells us in Matthew 24:23 (ESV) But the one who endures to the end will be saved. This is about your testimony. How about you? Can you uphold and defend it to the end? Food for thought.
So many things in the Bible can confuse us, but remember, God isn’t the author of confusion. That title belongs to satan who only tells lies and is the father of lies—When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8: 44c ESV). So, when things are confusing, know you just need to dig deeper, seek answers within God’s Word and things will become clearer.
Know that you are in my prayers. If you haven’t made a decision for Christ, I pray that you will seek Him with your whole heart. But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul (Deuteronomy 4:29 ESV).
Blessings, y’all!
He’s Coming SOON!! Are you ready???
The Conversation
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I’m praying for everyone because God wants everyone to decide to be with Him for eternity. I’m thankful I’m His – and continually pray to do God’s will and not get confused or deceived.
Thank you for a wonderful post on making sure you know Christ through salvation and encouragement to be ready for the rapture.
Dig deeper is good advice!
Thank you, Debbie! I appreciate the post.
Great post, Debra! Thank you for sharing. I pray the Lord will use your words in many lives.