Stop That! The Words We Say to Ourselves Matter

One of the things my husband and I have done for about four years is read the plans section of the Bible app. If you’ve never done that, you should give it a try. They have all manner of plans for just about anything you are dealing with or going through. Everything from anger, love, and healing, to doubt, pride, and temptation. And all those between.

This morning, I was in a plan about how powerful words are. As a writer, I get that. We must be very careful not to say or promote anything that isn’t truth, that doesn’t reflect the gospel message.

The thing that grabbed my attention dealt with the words we say to and about ourselves. In other words, our thoughts about ourselves.

You bet that one got me. See, I may seem all happy-go-lucky on the outside to the world, but when I speak to myself, that isn’t what I pour into me. Mostly, I think negative thoughts. I won’t list all of them here, but I’m sure many of you have often thought these things about yourself. Not pretty enough, not talented enough, too fat, too old, can’t write so why bother? You get the idea. Here is a link to that plan:


We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinth. 10:5 ESV).

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7 ESV).

Those may be old, but they certainly can be applied to our lives today. Like God, His Word is timeless. It was true then, it is true now. Besides, here again is what the Bible has to say:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV).

We’ve established that we are to hold our thoughts captive, that how we think about ourselves is what we will be or are, and that every word of Scripture was breathed out by God. That is, He gave it to those men who wrote the words, through the power of the Holy Spirit who laid them in their hearts.


Go read the entire passage of Ephesians 1:3-5. In this He tells us through Paul who was writing to the church in Ephesus, we are chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, and so much more.  Since God sees us like this, why do so many of us have a hard time accepting that?

I had a little talk with myself and with God this morning after reading that plan. It will take time to break old habits, but I’m committed to talking to myself and about myself in a far more loving manner.

Go back and read those words again. We are chosen and adopted. That means, we are the King’s kids! Hello, brother and sister.

Stop That! The Words We Say to Ourselves Matter @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #trust #WhoGodSaysWeAre Share on X


Has this post described you? Would you like to be one of God’s kids? You know, when you give your heart to Him completely, you are guaranteed life eternal. Now, that sounds far better than the alternative—a life with satan for all eternity. No thank you.  Let’s see – streets of gold versus a fiery pit. I’ll choose God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit any day, thank you very much.

Go read the Gospel of John. It doesn’t matter what version. I like ESV because it’s easy to understand. Many won’t read anything other than KJV, and that’s okay too. After John, next read the book of Romans, another of the books Paul wrote. If you’ve never read about Paul, know that he was a member of the Sanhedrin, a Jewish supreme council. It was headed by the High Priest and they had jurisdiction over religious, civil, and criminal matters during the time of Christ.

Paul was super smart and well-educated. In fact, he studied with the most highly revered Rabbi of the time, Gamaliel. As such, there was a time when Paul went out (when his name was Saul) and persecuted Christians or Christ-followers. He took them to prison where he knew they would be killed. Read Acts 9 about the Road to Damascus.

Think twice when you begin that negative self-talk. Hold those thoughts captive. You can do this. You’ll be much happier too.

Blessings, y’all!

I love this group of young people. It has changed over the years as the kids come and go. They are always so gifted with an obvious heart for God.

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    The Conversation

  1. Rusty Chastain says:

    Outstanding post and outstanding advice! In fact, for the true believer, belittling ourselves is contrary to God’s Word. You have already quoted or referenced many of the verses which assure us of our value to God. Is our opinion better than His?

  2. Joni says:

    Great post, Debbie. But this is totally freaky – Weeks ago, I wrote my blog for this coming Sunday and it is similar (Just Listen To Yourself). I think God has us on the same wavelength. Continued prayers for you!