Some Words From THE Word When Words Won’t Come

There are some things, circumstances in life for which there simply aren’t enough words to describe. The event, the emotions, the devastation, the everything associated with it. When Hurricane Helene passed through western North Carolina a little over a week ago, no one, and I do mean no one could have predicted how bad it was going to be. Hence . . .

No words.

If you’ve seen FB posts and YouTube videos or wherever those originate, you’ve seen some of the same things I have. How does one put words to that?

You simply cannot.

Some Words from THE Word When Words Won't Come @DDuPreeWilliams #WesternNCFlooding #HurricaneHelene #HOPE Share on X


Some words that have been used—devastation, calamity, unbelievable, tragedy, heartbreaking.

Do any of those begin to touch or describe the situation here in the Blue Ridge Mountains and beyond? They may describe some parts, but there is no way to describe the whole.


My husband and I are some of the most-blessed ones out there. We had no damage to our home. We lost power, but years ago, we purchased a whole-house generator after living though our first winter here in a mountain snowstorm with loss of power for four days. This 40-year-long Florida-dwelling-gal was freezing. I all but packed my bags and moved back to that sunny clime.

That generator ran for over a week. Power was restored yesterday while we were in a local high school stadium joining fellow church members for worship. Our church has operated without power since the storm hit. They have given out tons and tons of supplies—in the dark. Ours isn’t the only church to do this. Every single church within miles is stepping up to help care for those who can’t even put one foot in front of the other right now.


Many lost their homes. I have a friend who watched hers as it washed off the foundation and split in two. Her story has been repeated countless times. She and her family are blessed. They walked away.

Many did not.

There are so many horrible things taking place up here. One could write a volume of books about all the stories. Stories of entire villages wiped out. Perhaps places you and your family have visited, spent time with a leisurely float down one of the rivers or little streams. Gone. Chimney Rock, Bat Cave, Swannanoa, Black Mountain, Montreat, the arts district of Asheville among other areas–just to name a few. Let me repeat – gone.


But in the midst of such tragedy, I choose to use that word as that is what this is, Jesus has been here. The people who risked life and limb to help their neighbors are His hands and feet in the midst of the mess.

The volunteers in the churches handing out much needed supplies are His hands and feet. The linemen who are repairing downed electrical wires are His hands and feet. In our area, some of those linemen came from as far away as Canada. How can we ever repay them?

My friend is a local nurse and she’s been out there every day, serving as His hands and feet. We’ve seen photos and videos of many who joined her in caring for those who lost so much. His hands and feet.

And may God bless those souls who are out recovering bodies. We’ve heard – so many bodies. His hands and feet. Pray for them especially. And for the families of those lost.


As we prepare for another storm to hit already storm-ravaged Florida, we join all of Christ’s prayer warriors in praying for their safety as Milton heads their way.

If you are a praying person, even if you’ve never prayed before, maybe it’s time for you to see what it feels like to have Jesus’s name on your lips. I can assure you, He is the only reason many are able to put their feet on the ground each morning. To lay their heads on their pillow, or even just a nearby rock, or the backseat of a service truck for a bit of rest. Let me assure you, He will hear you.

Please keep all the areas affected by these storms and the coming storms in your prayers. Your prayers are one source of our strength. They keeps us going. We feel them. We are thankful for them and for you.

Stay safe, friends.


Here are some Scripture verses – words of encouragement from the Word – for you in troubling times. For us, it has been the effects of Helene on our area. For family and friends in Florida, they will need these after Milton comes through their areas. Never forget that God is Sovereign. He is with you. He sees you. And He loves you beyond measure.

Psalm 27:1

Deuteronomy 31:8

Psalm 46:1

Psalm 119:76

John 16:33

Psalm 55:22

Romans 8:37-39

Blessings, y’all

I hesitated to post this particular song. But it came to my heart. Lord knows all the places mentioned in this post need prayer. And those rivers need prayer and so much more. Those raging waters that came at the end of September once looked calm and peaceful like this. Pray they will one day look pristine again. Pray for our people. God bless you all.

Just a short personal note. Tomorrow is my birthday. A BIG milestone. I’m happy to tell you, God has blessed me with life on this earth for three-quarters of a century. I pray He gives me many, many more. If you can, will you stop and say a special prayer for our people? If you can donate to a charity that is helping, may I suggest Samaritan’s Purse? They are honest!! It WILL get to the people!! Thank you!

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    The Conversation

  1. Jane H Green says:

    Definitely praying for all the hurricane victims and the ones on the ground working to help in those ravaged areas.

  2. Joni says:

    Thank you for sharing, Debbie. Continued prayers for everyone.

  3. Diana Derringer says:

    I can’t begin to imagine the devastation so many are living. Prayers continue for all.

  4. Deena Adams says:

    I can’t imagine the devastation you and those in your area are going through. Many prayers have been lifted and will continue! God has reasons beyond our understanding and I know your trust is in Him. May He be glorified in this tragedy and may many souls turn to Him for salvation. Love you, Deb. And happy birthday!!

  5. Rusty Chastain says:

    Thank you! I am so thankful you and my friend, Jim, are. OK!!