Book Launches – How To Be On One

Do you have a favorite author? I have many, across many different genres. Did you know that you could be on a book launch for that author if they do a book launch? Even if you’ve never done it or if you aren’t an author. If you are a reader and love books–you can do this.

You may be asking what that is and how one does that.

For my purposes here, I’m talking about the group in which I write, and that is the Christian writing community. This is how we do this. So know that all the books written by the people I know will point you to Jesus and living eternally with Him.


A book launch is that period before a new book hits the stores and online sites for purchase. It’s letting the world know about the upcoming book so that they may preorder it and have it in hand the day it comes out. Some authors will ask you to wait until the day of publication to purchase it to boost that book’s rankings. This is common.

First of all, follow those authors you want to support because you love their work. At this point, you should be getting their emails and newsletters letting you know they have a book coming out soon. Many of the authors I know use a person who has a specialty in book launches. That is, they manage the launch for authors who hire them to do this. Some authors do their own.

You can leave a message on that author’s social media or in response to an email saying you’d love to be on their launch. From there, the manager of the launch will send you an application to fill out and send back. You will be given tasks to fulfill weekly.

Book Launches - How To Be On One @DDuPreeWilliams #BookLaunches #Writing #FavoriteAuthors Share on X


Some launches only last a couple of weeks, but others may last as long as six weeks. I’ve been on both. Even the ones that last the longer period will give you an option of being on the team, you do all the tasks or the crew, you do what you can. You get to decide how much time you can give to that launch.

For starters, they are fun. The tasks are simple for the most part. You share the memes that have been created for you, or you may even design your own meme. Just keep in mind that any meme you design must be approved by the launch manager before you post it anywhere. This is common practice, so don’t think your work wasn’t appreciated.


Most launch team members get an advance copy of the book. This is common too. But here’s a tip for you, and one that is just common courtesy—go buy that book. Whether you purchase the ebook or a paperback is up to you, but I always purchase the book of whatever team I am on. Some require a book purchase, but the ones I’ve been on, do not. Still, I always purchase the book. It’s just the right thing to do. After all, the bottom-line purpose is to create sales of the book.

It makes sense.


So, if you’d like to do this, find your favorite authors. They will likely have a website. On that site, they will have a place for you to sign up for their emails and newsletters. From there, you will learn of upcoming books so that you may apply to be on a launch team.

Not only that, but particularly through the newsletters, you will learn more about your author than you ever thought imaginable. I follow many, many authors and I’ve been on quite a few launch teams. Right now I’m on three with a couple more coming up very soon.

I hope this encourages you to try this and get to know your favorite authors better. And it’s fun. Bonus! They usually give away prizes and have a launch party. Some are online, so you may attend from wherever you are. It sounds like a win-win!


Blessings, y’all!

We hope the message in our books will help you get to Glory, so that one day you will fly away! Blessings!


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thanks for the great info, Debbie!

  2. Jane H Green says:

    Thanks for sharing this information. It sounds like a lot of fun.

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