Encouragement For All Writers – Jeremiah 29:11

This week the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference convened in Black Mountain, North Carolina, just over the mountain from where I live. I’m not a conferee this year.  Some physical issues have made sitting for four or five days, legs dangling down, and computer bag slung across my body, an impossibility. The campus for this conference is set within the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. There are many sets of steps, stairs, and even up-and-down ramps that must be traversed to reach one’s classes. It’s not an easy campus but is so worth it.


For those new to the conference or to the world of writing, such a big conference (about 600 people, plus faculty and staff) can be an intimidating experience. You may not know one single soul there. It’s a big campus and it’s easy to get confused and even lost. The good news is there is always someone there to lend a hand however you may need one.

To those who aren’t writers, you may not be aware of how much bravery accompanies each person at the conference. To show up, one must step out in faith that this is what you have been called to by God.

It takes a lot of nerve to speak to that agent, publisher, editor, or sometimes even a fellow writer. Did I tell you that most writers are introverts? From what I’ve heard, that is the case. Can you guess that I may not be an introvert?

Putting your work in front of notable names within the writing community takes a lot of nerve and confidence. What if they don’t like it or I didn’t do things correctly? So many what-ifs. There is no end to the questions one could ask.


But this conference and those like it are different.

The people are different.

Even the well-known, best-selling authors are different.

One thing I’ve learned, this is a loving, helpful, go-out-of-the-way-to-help-you community. Pick any of the Christian writing conferences and you will find they all have these qualities in common.

It is Jesus Christ who makes the difference.

Encouragement for All Writers - Jeremiah 29:11 @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #writingcommunity Share on X


If you attend any Christian writing conference this year, you are there because you feel God has called you to this purpose.

To the new or newer writer, you have found your people. This is your community. They will encourage you in any way they can, and they will pray over and for you and your work.

When you win the Kingdom wins.  There is not one other person in this world who can tell your story, or any story the way you can tell it. It is going to take the way you combine words and thoughts to reach that one person God has in mind to read your words.

Don’t worry about all the other stuff they tell you one must have. Platform. Maybe you don’t have one, but God knows where your work needs to go, and He will get it there, even if you don’t have a webpage or an email list yet.

Trust Him.

He is, after all, the One who called you to this purpose. All you need to do is be obedient and let Him deal with the rest. Always remember Jeremiah 29:11.

Blessings, y’all!


I pray this lovely setting of one of my all-time favorite Scriptures blesses you. Sissy used to quote this to me all the time. It is the one I’ve repeated to our boys time and again.



    The Conversation

  1. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    I agree. Those at the Christian conferences I have attended are a go-out-of-the-way-to-help-you community. I so enjoyed getting to visit with you at BRMCWC.

  2. Jane H Green says:

    What an encouraging post for writers. And what not to worry about. To just follow God’s call on your life. Thanks, Debbie for always being a cheerleader for fellow writers.

  3. Joni says:

    Thanks for posting, Debbie. I’m grateful to God that I was able to attend the conference. The devotions, praise time, keynotes, and classes were wonderful. And most of all, the people there were focused on helping each other.

  4. Melissa Henderson says:

    I truly enjoy attending writers conferences, in-person and virtual. Although I have not attended the Blue Ridge conference, I hear wonderful feedback from those people who attend. 🙂

  5. Tim Richards says:

    Great post, Debbie. And so encouraging!

  6. Marilyn Nutter says:

    In another life chapter, I was advised, “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” (1 Thess 5:24 NIV). I learned God doesn’t call, ask, or place us in places He won’t be faithful to equip and enable us. Writing conferences can be overwhelming, but then at times, life can be too. That promise in 1 Thess. has been stability for me. Thanks for the post. As we know, writers conferences become family reunions.

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