Waiting Isn’t Easy

by Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
I don’t know about you, but I don’t wait well. I really hate to admit that, but it’s true. I can’t stand to wait in line for much of anything. I love the activities at Disney, but I hate the lines. Going out to dinner anywhere in Florida is a nightmare, but forget Friday or Saturday nights. The lines are impossible. I’d rather eat at home than to wait forty-five minutes for a table in even the best restaurants in town.

Yes, I know that doesn’t speak well of me. But it’s a part of who I am.

Patient Child

When I was a child, my mother told me that I was one of the most patient people she knew. I’d spend hours at a menial task, such as untangling a knot in a favorite necklace. Things such as that still don’t bother me too much. It’s the lines I can’t tolerate.
And I wonder why. I don’t believe that I’m a privileged person who shouldn’t have to wait. So, why am I like this? I have no answer.

Our youngest son didn’t wait well either. His dad used to ask him all the time in such a situation, if he knew what patience means. Believe me when I tell you that Daniel definitely ran out of patience with his dad over that one. I guess it’s a good thing that children do grow up and become men. Dad doesn’t say that these days, except to remind Dan of days gone by.

We Wait
Think about how much of our lives is spent in waiting. We wait at the doctor’s or dentist’s office. We wait in line at the grocery, or the movies. We wait while our kids are at various sporting events. We wait for music lessons. Some of us wait for multiple kids at these same events. We wait for planes and trains. We wait for holidays. We wait for school to get out. We wait for school to start. It seems we endlessly wait.

Just today, my husband and I took our younger granddaughter to a local apple orchard where we had planned to do some apple picking. Once there, the heavens opened up and poured forth. Lightning streaked across the sky. So . . . we waited. After the storm let up and we were finally within the barn which housed the goodies at this orchard, we learned that we must wait to pick for at least a few more days. Those apples aren’t quite ready for picking. Insert heavy sigh here.

Second Coming

I guess the one thing for which I have the least trouble waiting is the second coming of Christ. We all know it’s going to occur, we just don’t know when. In the meantime . . . we wait, some, probably much more patiently than others.

What do the scriptures say about waiting? Psalm 37:7 tells us to wait patiently for Him. Indeed, it says to rest and wait patiently. Psalm 25:14 says Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. (NASB)

There is a lesson here for me and for anyone like me who has trouble with waiting. I definitely have some work to do in this area. I’ll think about this and rest while I wait.

What about you? Do you have trouble waiting? Share your thoughts with us. 

Waiting Isn’t Easy @DDuPreeWilliams (Click to Tweet)

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