A Storm is Coming-Are You Prepared?

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams

With the arrival of hurricane Florence fast approaching, we see people hurrying here and there for needed supplies. Grocery store shelves are already empty in many areas. Water is in short supply in the coastal regions of both North and South Carolina. I hear that even some interior areas are running short. And forget about finding a loaf of bread.

Getting Out of Harm’s Way 
Freeways have been made one-way in both North and South Carolina as people flee the areas most likely to be hit the hardest by this massive storm. Indeed, one friend who lives in my area posted on Facebook last night that she was stuck in very slow traffic. But she went on to say how fortunate she is that she isn’t among those fleeing. Where we live, we should be safe.

Homes have been boarded up. Furniture has been moved to the highest point in many dwellings in anticipation of the threatening flood waters. Many people have already called their insurance companies in anticipation of the losses they may incur. 

Help One Another 
One thing we do as Americans is to gather round one another in times of disaster. We reach out to those in need with a helping hand. I imagine we will do that in the next few days.

But in all of this preparation, have you remembered to prepare your heart and your home to receive Christ? He promised to never leave us comfortless (John 14:18 KJV). Indeed, He even says all who call upon His name will be saved (Romans 10:13).

In the midst of life’s storms, those of a physical nature, like hurricane Florence, and those of a spiritual or physical nature, God keeps His promises to us. If you need to prepare your heart to receive Christ, call upon His name. In John 14:15-16, he says He will send us a comforter. 

With such a major storm bearing down on us or even your personal storms, it seems like this is a good time to cry out to God for peace and comfort. Listen for God to speak to your storms. He has the ability and the desire to calm them just as He did for His disciples long ago. Peace, be still (Mark 4:39, KJV).

Have you made preparations for the storms of life—those like hurricane Florence or those personal storms? Share your thoughts with us.

A Storm is Coming – Are You Prepared? @DDuPreeWilliams (Click to Tweet)

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