Turning Worry Junkies into Journal Junkies

I’m touched that so many of you stopped by to read my blog about Edie Melson’s Soul Care. I hope that you went over to our Facebook group, Soulful Ink, and joined in on the fun and worship. If you haven’t done that yet, it still isn’t too late. Edie’s videos are available right on the site, along with all of the fabulous print-outs she’s made available to us.

Last night, Edie talked about worry. I don’t know about y’all, but I am an award-winning worrier. Yes, I know, it isn’t exactly what I should be doing, but, hey, I’m human just like you. Plus—I’m a bit of a control freak.

I cannot believe that I just admitted that . . . but it’s true. I know what I would do in most situations (until it comes to my own life), but our four sons seem to have minds of their own, and they don’t always listen, or even want to listen, to Mama any more. Insert heavy sigh here.
Worry and Control

Couple those two, worry and control and, as you can guess, sometimes my life is a mess. But maybe that was God’s plan all along. When my life gets so messy that I wouldn’t even attempt to control it, I head as fast as I can get there to the One in control of everything. After all, He is the one who said to us that He knows the plans He has for our lives, not to harm us but good plans. (Jeremiah 29:11). Edie explained the context of this last night in her video which you can see over at Soulful Ink.

Yes, I know that sometimes life is such that we wonder if God forgot this promise. But He hasn’t. He won’t. We want everything right here and right now, at least, I know I do (see my blog about how I don’t wait well). But while we’re waiting, God is behind the scenes working things out in His timing because He knows the right time, the right place, the right circumstance, the right people, to do His work in our lives. He isn’t just sitting on His throne watching us run around like little ants. He is up there directing things for our good.
Creative Peace

So, come join the fun over at Soulful Ink. Edie is one of God’s helpers. He has laid this idea upon her heart and has gifted her with words that speak calm and peace into our lives. And, we are having a wonderful time doing all the creative things she has suggested. We’re spending creative time with our Creator. With the helpful things Edie cites, we’re turning from worry junkies to journal junkies. What a wonderful way to worship our Heavenly Father.

Are you a worry junkie? Lay that aside and come be a journal junkie (a name used by fellow Soul-Sister, Judy Taylor) with your Soul-Sisters. 


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