Another God-Incidence

By Debra DuPree Williams @DDuPreeWilliams
A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about God-incidences. I firmly believe the scripture that tells us that God directs our steps (Proverbs 16:9). I also cling to Jeremiah 29:11 which tells us that God knows the plans He has for us.

This week I experienced one of those God-incidences. I couldn’t have in any way, done things to make these two events coincide. My only task in this was to be obedient. And believe me when I tell you that wasn’t and hasn’t been easy.
Post Number One-Hundred!

As you read this, you are reading my one-hundredth blog post. It doesn’t seem possible, but here it is. Blogs are one of those things that writers are expected to do. I happen to enjoy writing these posts and sharing things with you, events from my life to which I hope you can relate.

I remember way back in 2017 when I wrote that very first post, wondering what on earth I’d find to write about each week, week after week. Now, you need to know that rarely do I have multiple posts in the cue ready to go. That’s just not in my nature. Though, I have done that a few times, and let me tell you it’s much easier that sitting and fretting at the last minute, it’s just in my DNA to be that organized.
God is Faithful

But God never let me down. Not once have I sat down that I didn’t have some idea of what to say. I’m not a planner, but God is. Let me stop here and say, Thank you, Father. He has never failed to lay upon my heart a message for my readers.

This week, not only is this my one-hundredth post, but I received and signed a contract with Firefly Southern Fiction for the publication of my first novel, Grave Consequences: A Charlotte Graves Digging Up Dirt Mystery. There is no way I could have orchestrated these two events to coincide. It is totally a God thing.

I am thrilled to be joining many friends and people I’ve yet to meet, as a part of the Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas family. Eddie Jones and the people at LPC are the best.
Doing a Happy Dance

I hope that you will join me in celebrating these two events in my life. God has been good to me. He’s opened doors to friendships I could never have imagined. He’s placed just the right people in my path—people who have come alongside me with words of encouragement, wisdom, and great advice. I’ve had the best teachers not only at conferences, but those who have taught me privately. I’ve had the best critique groups cheering me on when I was ready to walk away. Thank you Word Weavers Page 11, and Blue Ridge Writers. Thank you for not letting me give up on my dream. I treasure each of you.

If you’d like to join me on the rest of this journey to publication, please sign up for my newsletter here on my blog. Not only will you be the first to be in the know, but I have a great gift for you just for signing up. And feel free to share with your family and friends. The more the merrier.

I’m sure you’ve had your own God-incidences. Please share one or two with us here. We’d love to hear your story.


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