Walking Toward a Divine Moment

When I first began writing, I was given an opportunity to become published in an anthology of books by my friend and mentor, the late Yvonne Lehman. I was privileged to be included in several of her Moments books, including the Selah nominated, and second-place award winner, Moments With Billy Graham.

These books were suggested to Yvonne by a writer friend during a conversation at some point. They’ve become big hits and many of my author friends have found their way to published author via these books filled with works flowing from the hearts of the contributors. My dear, late sister, Bobbie Foshee, had her work published in Titanic Moments. To be included with some of her favorite authors was a highlight of her life.


What is a moment? Merriam-Webster defines a moment as a minute portion or point of time.

We all have our own ideas of what a moment is. To some, it is much longer than for others. In the entire scope of time since the beginning, our very lives occupy but a mere moment even though, to us, they may be years long.

Many of us have experienced Divine moments. If I recall correctly, that was the title of Yvonne’s first Moments book. These are experiences we know were instigated by God alone as they are too unbelievable to have been wrought by anyone other than God himself. God-incidences, not co-incidences.

But some, perhaps most Divine moments come in the simple act of worship.

Walking Toward a Divine Moment @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #DivineMoments Share on X


I’ve had quite a few of those lately.

Honestly, I’m not trying to beat you over the head with the music of Paul Wilbur, but I haven’t had music touch my heart as his does in a long, long time.

My husband and I don’t walk outdoors in the winter. It’s far too cold here in the mountains of western North Carolina. We walk inside. If you could see our home, you’d know how easy it is to do that here. Maybe one day I’ll give you a video tour. Perhaps I’ll take you on a walk with me. I promise, not for the entire half-hour we usually walk, but just one time around.

As I walk, I listen to music. My music of choice is that of Paul Wilbur. He has quiet melodies that allow me to warm up a bit and more lively ditties that bring my feet to a gentle jog. Soon, I find myself dance-walking, if you will. Now, if you know me at all, you know I am not a dancer. Far from it. But this music makes my heart want to sway and thus, I soon find myself jogging then, moving to the rhythm. Then I shuffle to a slow, quiet piece and bring my heart rate down.

This past week I was doing my walk when I began singing and dancing, then I felt tears trickling down my cheeks. I was having a Divine moment. My body may have been in our home, but my spirit and my heart were in the Throne Room, at the feet of Abba Father. For me, it was a brief moment in time, but it may have lasted a thousand years in God’s timing. Oh, what a thought!


It seems the older I get, the more of these moments I experience. Maybe because I can see my heavenly home becoming clearer and clearer in my spirit’s eyes. I await that moment Christ returns. Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed (I Corinthians 15:51-52 ESV).

Have you experienced a Divine moment? Are you ready for one—to meet Jesus face to face? Friend, if you aren’t sure, please contact me and let me tell you my story. In the meantime, I’m praying for Divine moments for each of you.

Blessings, y’all!


I’ve listened to so many of Paul Wilbur’s songs in the past year, and have been blessed by them every single time. They don’t get old to me. They come straight from scripture. The words in Hebrew here are Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai. I hope you will listen. Lyrics will be on YouTube, somewhere. We aren’t allowed to post lyrics. It is a copyright infringement. I supposed they have permission to put them on those places you see them. As we count down the days to Passover and to Resurrection Sunday, this is an appropriate song to sing. I pray it blesses you.


    The Conversation

  1. Joni says:

    Thank you for sharing. I am so thankful that I can talk to God at any time – and feel His presence.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Yes, and Amen! Nothing quite like that feeling . . . an intimate moment with Abba Father.

  2. Patricia Tiffany Morris says:

    How lovely! What a marvelous challenge to all of us to share how others can see God. Thanks for your faithfulness to share Jesus!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you! I’m so glad you liked it. Always my joy to share our Lord with the world.

  3. Tim Richards says:

    Thanks for the encouraging words Debbie. And thanks for sharing another beautiful song.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you for being a faithful reader. I’m glad you feel encouraged by these words.

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