Show Me Your Face

If you haven’t figured it out by now, I am an extremely emotionally driven person. I carry my feelings on the surface of my skin. Almost to a fault. Sometimes it’s a good thing, but sometimes not so much.

This past week, I had an emotional encounter with Moses and God. Yes, that Moses—the one who led the Hebrew children out of captivity in Egypt. The one who led them through the Red Sea. The one who brought the Ten Commandments to them straight from the heart and mind of God.

Now, I will admit, the New Testament often brings me to tears. Reading the words about the sacrifice Jesus made for us, how He was treated, the depth of the pain and suffering He endured for me for us, is always heart-wrenching. The Old Testament characters lived so long ago, how could they possibly move one to tears?


My life has always been surrounded by music of one kind or another. I grew up singing hymns, Methodist for the most part and I’ve likely memorized more than most people, I’d dare say. But I also had classical music, opera, and Gospel music in my life from an early age.

My precious Daddy loved opera. But he always had the Gospel Jubilee playing, full-blast every Sunday morning as we all got ready for church. One of our greatest joys as a family was to attend all-night Gospel sings. They were usually held in high school stadiums. And they really did last all night.

So, what does music have to do with Moses?


My husband and I discovered the music of Paul Wilbur about a year ago. Paul is the child of a Baptist mother and a Jewish father. He is Messianic and his music reflects a combination of his roots. All of his lyrics come straight from scripture and his melodies have a distinctly Middle-East or Hebrew sound to them.

Be warned, once you begin listening to his music, you will be hooked. This isn’t a sound to which I’ve had a lot of exposure, but I’m drawn to it. The melodies, along with the words straight from God’s Word, fill a need in me I didn’t know existed. Every time I learn a new one, it becomes my favorite and I sing it for days on end. I wake up with it in my heart, sing it all day, then go to bed with it still playing.


Such was Show Me Your Face, LORD.

Show Me Your Face @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #music #Moses Share on X

This is from Exodus 33:12-23. This is where Moses interceded with God for the Israelites. They’ve sinned greatly and God had told Moses He would not follow them into Canaan. Moses asks Him to forgive them and to go, for Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth? (vs, 16 ESV). God says He will go for Moses has found favor with Him, He knows him by name.

Then Moses asks God to show him His face.

God replies in vs. 20 (ESV) “You cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.” God then tells Moses He will hide him in the cleft of the rock, and while His glory passes by, He will cover Moses with His hand. Vs. 23 (ESV) “Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back, but my face shall not be seen.


As I read this passage, Paul Wilbur’s song played in my heart and my mind. I could see Moses, safely hidden away by God, as God revealed His glory to him. Tears poured forth.

I never expected to cry over Moses. Stand in amazement at his life? Yes. But cry? Never. Yet, the tears flowed.

Friends, this is the power of God’s Word in our lives and of the gift of music. The two together can bring people and nations to their knees.

What song is playing in your heart today? And has God ever hidden you in the cleft of a rock?

Blessings, y’all!


This is from the old movie, The Ten Commandments, I think. Did y’all see that when you were kids? Well, some of you don’t know about it, I’m sure.  I hope this blesses you.


    The Conversation

  1. Randy says:

    Tgis was exactly what I needed. Thank you.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      I’m so glad my simple words blessed you. Thanks for reading. That’s why we all do what we do.

  2. Jane H Green says:

    What a great post! It gives me chills to see the care that God took with Moses. He even let Moses see His back. That had to be glorious, but one day we all will see Him face to face! I think God has hidden me many times in the cleft of the rock—and I didn’t even know He was doing it:)

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you so much. That he’s standing there in the presence of God is mind-boggling to begin with. But to experience His Being. My mind won’t go there.
      But, as you said, one day we’ll get to see Him face to face! I agree. I think God does hide us in that rock, and most of the time, we probably don’t
      realize it. He loves us so much!

  3. Jo Fain says:

    I really loved this, Debbie. So moving. Thank you for sharing the music of Paul Wilber, too. So profound!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you. I’m so glad you liked it. Paul Wilbur is amazing!

  4. Joni says:

    Thank you for sharing your heart. So thankful God reveals Himself to everyone in the ways that draw that person to Him.

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      Thank you for reading. Yes, He relates to us on a personal level, different for each of us. Just as I relate to each of my children differently because they’re all different.
      It’s amazing to think that God knows each of us that intimately. Chills!

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