Success or Significance – You Choose

The motto of our church is We are loved and we are sent.

But what does that mean? Loved we understand, but sent? Sent where? By whom?

In the first book of Acts, we see Jesus with His disciples after His death and resurrection. He remained on earth with them for forty days before His ascension into heaven. During that time, He spoke to them, teaching them about the kingdom of God.


One of the last things He said to them before His ascension was in Acts 1: 8 (ESV), But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (NASB says, even to the remotest part of the earth.) At the end of the book of Matthew he says to them, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28: 19 NASB).

This was Jesus’s call to His disciples to continue what He’d begun on this earth. They were to go into all the world and preach the Gospel—the good news. They were the first missionaries.

Today, two thousand years later, Jesus’s mission continues through the work of the church. We are now His missionaries.

When the Day of Pentecost arrived, Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and others who were followers of Christ. Acts 2: 1-4 (ESV) When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filed with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.


They had confidence in the empty tomb. When our confidence in that same empty tomb meets up with our dependence on Holy Spirit, we must do something to help those in need. Pastor Bruce, Biltmore Church, September 12, 2021.

What could you do today? Are you being called to lead a small group? Are you called to be on the worship team? Teach Sunday School? To be a greeter?  Preach? Sponsor a Compassion Child? Be a foster parent? Speak about your life experiences? Write Bible studies? Write devotionals? Create an encouraging blog? Write Christian fiction with a message?

Once you have Jesus in your heart and the power of Holy Spirit within you, the possibilities are limitless. Don’t worry about what to do, or say, or write. Ask Holy Spirit to help you and I promise He will show up. Every. Single. Time. Just ask Jesus to use you to spread the good news in whatever manner you can. He knows your gifts and talents. He will refine them for His purposes. Remember the saying, He doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called.


So how will you know if you’ve been successful or significant?

Success is single-minded. It’s all about you. It isn’t lasting.

Significance is about your impact on others. How has your work for the kingdom impacted the lives of others?

If your words or actions—through speaking, writing, a podcast, whatever you’ve been led to do—reach just one person for the kingdom of heaven, if you change just one person’s eternity, then you have done your job on this earth. Your work has been significant.

Make this proclamation today—I choose to live a life of significance and make a difference in someone’s eternity.

Success or Significance @DDuPreeWilliams #faith #bethechurch #writing Share on X


Spread the Good News.

Jesus was, He is, and He is to come!


Blessings, y’all.


Do you know where you will be spending eternity? Do you know how to make that happen? Please contact me for more information.


I look through YouTube for things that will underscore and bring an exclamation point to my posts. We recently found Paul Wilbur. His music and his words have been such a blessing to us. It is my prayer that you are also blessed by these videos. This one took my breath away. Again.



    The Conversation

  1. Sally Jo Pitts says:

    This is good news to spread these days!

    • Debra DuPree Williams says:

      It is good news! We need to do a lot more of this. At least, I know I do.
      Thanks for reading.

  2. Joni says:

    Thanks for your thoughts! Appreciate your faithfulness to post each week.

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